*Interdisciplinary Centre for Security Reliability and Trust (SnT), University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
+Precise Research Center In Software Engineering (PReCISE), University of Namur, Belgium
Contact: *{firstname.lastname}@uni.lu, +{firstname.lastname}@fundp.ac.be
java -jar Multiobj.jar [options] [command] [command options] Commands: todimacs Convert a Feature Model from the SPLOT (.xml) format to the DIMACS (.dimacs) format. Usage: todimacs [options] Options: * -fm Feature model in the SPLOT (.xml) format) numpairs Compute the number of valid pairs of a given DIMACS Feature model (.dimacs format). Usage: numpairs [options] Options: * -fm Feature model in the DIMACS (.dimacs) format moga Run the multi-objective genetic algorithm. Usage: moga [options] Options: * -cost Cost file (following the format featureNumber:cost) -elitism Number individuals to keep for the next generation (elitism), should be lower than the population size Default: 5 * -fm Feature model (DIMACS format) -maxIndSize Maximum number of products for an Individual, i.e. a solution to the problem Default: 100 -mutationProb Probability to mutate an offspring (in percentage) Default: 5.0 * -outInfo Output file to store the information of each run * -outSol Output file to store the products of the Individual solution to the problem * -pairs Number of valid pairs of the feature model Default: 0 -popSize Maximum size for the population (set of solutions) Default: 100 -runs Number of runs to perform Default: 500 -w1 Weight for objective F1 Default: 0.5 -w2 Weight for objective F2 Default: 0.25 -w3 Weight for objective F3 Default: 0.25