*Interdisciplinary Centre for Security Reliability and Trust (SnT), University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
+Precise Research Center In Software Engineering (PReCISE), University of Namur, Belgium
Contact: *{firstname.lastname}@uni.lu, +{firstname.lastname}@fundp.ac.be
java -jar SPL.jar [options] [command] [command options] Commands: prio_splcat_products Computes the values of the prioritization techniques and fitness function using the set of valid products from SPLCAT. Usage: prio_splcat_products [options] Options: * -csv CSV file output from SPLCAT tool * -fm Feature model (SPLOT format) * -o Output directory -p Valid pairs file -runs Number of runs to average the random technique Default: 10 prio_solver_products Computes the values of the prioritization techniques and fitness function using a set of products from the solver. The number of products generated will be equal to #features/2 Usage: prio_solver_products [options] Options: * -fm Feature model (SPLOT format) * -o Output directory -p Valid pairs file -predictable Use the predictable products for the solver Default: false -runs Number of runs to average Default: 10 prio_splcat_solver_products Computes the values of the prioritization techniques and fitness function using the set of valid products from SPLCAT + additional products from the solver. Usage: prio_splcat_solver_products [options] Options: * -csv CSV file output from SPLCAT tool * -fm Feature model (SPLOT format) * -o Output directory -p Valid pairs file -predictable Use the predictable products for the solver Default: false -runs Number of runs to average Default: 10 average_data_files Compute the average between the data files specified in the directory Usage: average_data_files [options] Options: * -i Directory containing .dat files -noNorm Don't work on normalized data files. The minimum length data file will be used Default: false -o Output directory Default: Same as input normalize_data_files Compute the normalized version of the data files present specified in the directory Usage: normalize_data_files [options] Options: * -i Directory containing data file to normalize generate_prods_ga Generate products using the GA Usage: generate_prods_ga [options] Options: -csv CSV file output from SPLCAT tool. This argument is optional, see -nbProds option -dimacs Specify if the FM is a dimacs one Default: false * -fm Feature model (SPLOT format) -nbProds Number of products to generate. If negative, then the same number as the SPLCAT output will be used. In this case, the -csv option is required Default: 10 -noCoverage Do not compute the coverage (only generate the products) Default: false * -o Output directory -onlyGA Run only the GA approach Default: false -p Valid pairs file -runs Number of runs to average Default: 10 -timeAllowedMS Time allowed for the GA in ms Default: 60000 compute_valid_pairs Compute the valid pairs to a file for a XML FM Usage: compute_valid_pairs [options] Options: -dimacs Specify if the FM is a dimacs one Default: false * -fm Feature model (Dimacs or SPLOT format) -part Specify which part should be considered. Only if nbParts > 1 Default: 1 -parts Specify the number of parts Default: 1 compute_stats Compute some statistics for a FM Usage: compute_stats [options] Options: -dimacs Specify if the FM is a dimacs one Default: false * -fm Feature model (Dimacs or SPLOT format)